Alright here's the big one! Worst to Best Coasters that I've Ridden!
Grizzly, Kings Dominion
Constructed back in 1982 by Philidelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc. Grizzly is based on the Coney Island Wildcat and stands at 87ft tall at the back of the park.
This is EASILY the worst coaster I've ever ridden. I've ridden this coaster only twice in my life and honestly I could've done without. This thing will literally try to rip you apart from rough transitions and awful jackhammering. Lets hope the 2023 retrack will give some much needed tlc to this coaster, but as it stands this coaster is UNRIDABLE right now.
Blazing Fury, Dollywood
This ones a little weird as it sits closer to a darkride than a real coaster, but the one and only time I rode it when I was a kid I definetly thought it was a coaster so it's gonna be on the list at least until I'm able to go back and reride it.
Built it 1978 by an in-house deisgn team at what was then known as Gold Rush Junction, this ride takes place entirely indoors and tells the story of a blazing fire in a goldrush town.
Now I haven't ridden this thing since I was probably around 7-9 years old so my memory is definetly fuzzy but I'll say this, it was VERY HOT from the fire effects, and somehow in my mind I definetly thought it featured a section of drop track somehow. A very painful bump at the end of the hill I think.
I feel bad ranking it so low because of a very fuzzy memory from years ago but I'm aiming to go back to Dollywood and the Pidgeon Forge area next year so hopefully I'll be able to give this another go.
Anaconda, Kings Dominion
Going back to my home park we have Anaconda. Constructed by Arrow Dynamics in 1991. Another coaster I feel bad about ranking so low.
The coaster is situated in a very pretty area of the park directly over a lake making it very picturesque. The ride itself is a little uncomfortable, some headbanging, and the transitions are very janky. My biggest issue is the mid-course breakrun, when I went last they were only running one train and there was no one in line but the breakrun brought us to a nearly full stop before going into the second half of the track with the two corkscrews during the middle of I was slightly concerned that we didnt have enough speed to even make it through.
I love a good Arrow Coaster, but Anaconda needs work, between Grizzly and this I wouldn'd mind seeing either getting taken out for a new better coaster for the park.
Firebird, Six Flags America
Firebird is Six Flag's America floorless coaster built by B&M, originally called Iron Wolf it was a stand-up coaster for many years before getting converted to a floorless.
This very eye catching coaster is located next to The Wild One and ROAR in the park, the orange and red track contrasts great with the wooden coasters around it.
This coaster suffers several problems all starting with the queue, first of all, its HUGE. You have to walk a winding path under the coaster and then completly around it as the enterence is on the backside of what almost looks like a hidden path. When you finally get to the stairs the queue seems to suffer from not having enough space in the actual corral, inflating queue times. InvadR at Busch Gardens has the same issue.
When you do finally get on the ride its a headbanging NIGHTMARE from nearly the bottom of the first drop to the finish. Came off this coaster with a nasty headache.
Mystery Mine, Dollywood
Mystery Mine is a Gerstlauer Amusement Rides construction from back in 2007. This I'll say is also my brothers favorite coaster at the park.
I was so ready to like this one, my brother had talked it up for the entire hour and fifteen that we were waiting to get on the ride for. I just did not get what I wanted out of this coaster, plus after the insane drop in the mineshaft you have to ride defensivly in and out of the inversion outside otherwise you're in for a lot of headbanging. This is another coaster I'm ready to give another shot next time I go though.
Apple Zapple, Kings Dominion
Apple Zapple is Kings Dominion's Wild Maus coaster, it used to operate under the name Ricochet until 2017.
It's your standard Wild Maus coaster, I loved it as a kid but now not so much. The turns at the top tend to turn my stomach.
Racer 75, Kings Dominion
Ask literally any local around and they'll still call this the Rebel Yell.
Racer 75 is an opening day attraction for Kings Dominion, an old woodie that features two different tracks, red and blue. You'll be lucky if you ever see more than one side running at a time though. I've never seen it happen personally.
Once again this Kings Dominion coaster suffers from jackhammering, not NEARLY as bad as the Grizzly from earlier in the list but still enough for this to be a one and done coaster for me.
Ragin Cajun, Six Flags America
This is a little spinning Wild Mouse that you might see at a fairgrounds, it was orginally housed at Six Flags Great America before getting moved to Six Flags America in 2014.
The amount of spins you can get on this thing is INSANE. If youre a smaller rider like me I reccomend going with friends, you can fit 4 people in each car and I think it would probably be a better experience if you were squished in. I had to brace myself by holding both sides of the large lapbar. Felt a little nauseous getting off this one.
Also was an interesting time coming up to this coaster first thing in the morning and it was already broken down with riders stuck on it
Tempesto, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Tempesto is a Sky Rocket model coaster from Premiere rides that was installed in 2015. It occupies a very small plot of land right next to Apollos Chariot.
Personally this is a MAYBE once a season ride for me, I want to like it so bad but that stupid "Comfort Collar" is anything but comfortable. You'll end up boxing your ears or it'll dig into your neck and thats really my only complaint about this ride.
The slow as hell inversion at the very top also scares the crap outta me but thats on me.
Intimidator 305, Kings Dominion
Intimidator 305 opened in 2010 at Kings Dominion and was built by Intamin, this is THE ride at Kings Dominion. You can see its towering 305ft drop hill from at least a few miles away as I realized you can literally see the top of the hill from the nearby Virginia State fairgrounds.
This year was the first time I worked up the courage to actually get on this beast, as it never quite shook its reputation as a ride thats too rough. I did infact grey out on the first left turn after the initial drop. I was actually fine with that, I grey out all the time on costers. No my problem with is actually the snappy turns it has afterwards, any time the coaster banked quickly i was thrown against my restrains hard, it was made marginally better as the over the shoulder harness is actually padded. All in all would definetly ride again but for now not my favorite.
Backlot Stunt Coaster, Kings Dominion
The only reason this coaster is higher than Intimidator305 is pure nostalgia. This was my FAVORITE coaster as a kid.
Made by Premire Rides and constructed in 2006, this coaster used to be one of the movie tie-in rides back when Paramount owned the park. It operated as The Italian Job Turbo Coaster. Once CedarFair took over the park they unbranded the coaster, but didnt take out many other themeing elements.
This was the perfect coaster for me as a kid, a fun initial launch into a helix and then a break at the top where a helicopter shot at gas barrels around the train and a fire effect happened before going straight into another launch through a short indoor section.
Sadly, today all the effects have been turned off, and the most damning thing about this coaster is that youre still forced to stop for 30 seconds at the top of the coaster for nothing. Its just boring now.
Hurler, Kings Dominion
We've come to our first defunct coaster on the list!
Another coaster by Philidelphia Toboggan Coasters, many visitors said this ride got VERY rough towards the end of its service life but I had no problems with it at all when I was younger. Top 3 coaster when I was a kid. Thinking back now I would certainly be bored with it but I have many fond memories riding this coaster with my best friend over and over.
Tennessee Tornado, Dollywood
We have fully moved out of coasters I dislike, and into: Coasters that are boring.
Constructed by Arrow Dynamics, Tennessee Tornado is yet another Arrow Custom Looper. Opening in 1999 it's the oldest standing coaster in the park if youre not counting Blazing Fury.
The rides fine, its just forgettable. Literally until I looked it up on RCDB to double check the opening year I could have sworn it was called Tennessee Twister.
Dominator, Kings Dominion
Dominator is Kings Dominions floorless coaster, coming from Geauga Lake & Wildwater Kingdom after the park shut down in 2007. The coaster had its first season at Kings Dominion in 2008.
I remember being at the park that first summer it was there, my friend finally convinced me to get on a looping coaster (Anaconda) and after deciding it was fine I fell in love with Dominator.
I was very dissapointed to come back to Kings Dominion for the first time in about 10 years to discover that I now found Dominator.... really boring. It just seems to meander around the track and it just never hits the high speeds that I like the best.
ROAR, Six Flags America
Finally a wooden coaster I actually truely had some fun on.
Opened in 1998, the coaster was constructed, yet again, by Philidelphia Toboggan Coasters.
I've heard from others that this is usually a very rough ride but aside from minimal shaking that I expect on a woodie it wasn't that bad! I certainly enjoyed it more than any of Kings Dominions wooden coasters.
Also this is the one and only time Ive seen someone wear a hat on a coaster and then immediately lose it on the first hill
This coaster used to operate under the name Avalanche, Kings Dominion opened it in 1988, for years it was located next to Volcano: The Blast Coaster.
And this is where I spend a majority of my time as I waited HOURS for my brother to get through Volcano's line.
Its a very unique ride experince as it's the only Mack Rides Bobsled in America that's still operating. Its a nice family coaster that I reccomend checking out if you're ever at Kings Dominion!
Batwing, Six Flags America
Opening in 2001, Batwing is a Vekoma Flying Dutchman model that also happens to be a clone of the now defunct Firehawk from Kings Island.
I had ALWAYS wanted to ride Firehawk, and was heartbroken when I heard that it was now defunct. Later on I heard that Batwing was a clone of it so I jumped at the first chance I got this year to ride it.
it was my first flying coaster and honestly had a lotta fun on it, but MAN you just gotta TRUST those harnesses.
Wild One, Six Flags America
Wild one is a century old wooden coaster and I swear I wouldn't have known that. This thing feels like it was built in the last 10 years or so its so smooth.
Truly my only nitpick with it was the layout was a little boring but being able to ride such a cool part of coaster history greatly overwrote that as a real complaint and I would happily ride this coaster any time.
InvadR, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
InvadR is the second newest coaster in the park, more of a hybrid than a true wooden coaster, this ride features a crazy initial drop that has you looking nearly straight down with an immediate head chopper effect as you dive into a tunnel and immediately another head chopper with the bridge you go under as your photo gets snapped.
I really do love this ride but this year InvadR has been extra shaky which hasn't lent to the most comfortable of rides when in the past it was smooth as butter. The queue is a whole other problem, in the actual station you can only fit about 32 people in the queue, aka 2 trains worth. You end up waiting at least an hour for this ride no matter what.
I totally reccomend getting a ride on it but try to get there as close to open as possible so you won't be stuck waiting forever.
Jokers Jinx, Six Flags America
A Premier Rides launch coaster that absolutely scared the shit outta me the first time I got on it.
After having no luck with Ragin' Cajun when we first got to the park this was the second ride that my friend and I went on and I DID NOT know it was a launch coaster.
After recovering from my minor heart attack that the first ride gave me I got back on it and had a great time! The Joker decor definetly looks more like it belongs on a boardwalk rather than a major themepark though.
Firechaser Express, Dollywood
This is a great ride, the themeing both in the queue and on the ride are fantastic. Not even to mention the portions of the ride where you go backwards.
This ride unfortunetly lost points because the only time I was able to actually ride it me and my brother stood in line for an hour and a half behind the most abnoxious group of teenagers ever. Its not the rides fault but if the wait hadnt been that long and I hadn't been stressed for time I would have enjoyed it more.
Wild Eagle, Dollywood
Wild Eagle is a B&M wing coaster and was the first wing coaster I got to ride!
My brother said he hated the restraints for the coaster but I didnt have any problem with them and infact thought they were really comfortable!
Was definetly a very cool ride experience as I usually like to be seated above the track, but after initial anxiety up the lift it was a wonderful ride!
Flight of Fear, Kings Dominion
Another Premier Rides launch coaster, this one gets points based purley in nostalgia. It was aanother favorite of mine, and I definetly used it to help get over my coaster fear as a kid. Cant see? No Fear!
The saddest thing about this coaster is that Kings Dominion closes it every October for their Haunt event, I'd be worried about them taking the ride out soon if they hadn't literally been doing it for years.
I really hope Kings Dominion goes in and fixes some of the themeing, becuase as it stands it looks very rundown in the queue.
Alpengeist, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
A B&M inverted coaster built in 1997 this coaster is only a couple months older than I am!
How much I like this coaster really depends on the day, if I get a really smooth ride it's like top 3 coaster, other times it drops back down here just shy of my top 10. Fantastic ride and I highly reccomend it.
Thunderhead, Dollywood
My favorite wooden coaster by far, I rode it for the first time this year and it was incredible. Those SEATS it's like sitting on a couch!
Take the amazing comfort from the seats and combine it was a super smooth wooden coaster and its a match made in heaven, I would marathon this coaster if I got the chance.
Loch Ness Monster, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
QUEEN of the park, the most stunning to look at coaster in Busch Gardens with its striking yellow color and the interlocking loops over the river this coaster is a sight to behold.
Built by Arrow Dynamics in 1978, this custom looper is so much smoother and provides much better rides than any other Arrow Looper on this list.
Loch Ness was the first coaster to feature interlocking loops,and not just in America but in the whole world!
If you ever find yourself near BGW stop by just for a chance to ride this legend! And make sure you ride in the back! She is NOT a front seat ride
Tumbili, Kings Dominion
Tumbili is Kings Dominion's newest coaster, opening earlier this year and taking over the spot that used to be ocupied by the flatride "The Crypt". It was built by S&S and as it stands currently is Virginia's only 4D freespin coaster.
This was a WILD ride, I had never had experience with riding a zacspin or a different freespin anywhere else. My friend and I got on twice and got two very different rides, the first time we didn't really flip at all, but that second ride WOW we got some good spins in.
I think freespins are gonna be the ride that scare me most but I have the most fun on.
Superman:Ride of Steel, Six Flags America
This is the whole reason you come to Six Flags America. This coaster opened in the year 2000 and was constructed by Intamin. Only reaching a height of 197ft its just shy of the hyper coaster category.
While the helixes after the first drop leave much to be desired, the first drop and the air time hills make up for it.
Also make sure you've eaten before going on this ride, I made the mistake of riding his in the back on an empty stomach and I just completely passed out LMAO
Apollo's Chariot, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Built in 1999 by B&M this was their first hyper coaster and they knocked it out of the park in my opinion.
This is the smoothest ride in the whole park, if you need a coaster to wind down on Apollo has your back. Nothing but beautiful airtime hills the entire way.
With only having lapbar restraints it really lets you get some great float time. Watch out though, give yourself to much room on this coaster and Apollo will strap you in himself.
Twisted Timbers, Kings Dominion
The RMCs finally make an appearence on this list, Twisted Timbers was converted back in 2015 from Hurler.
I made my friend get on this twice in a row with me when we visited this year, he was not a fan of the shin restraints but I didnt even care. As soon as we hit that first inversion literally moments after the lift hill? That sold it for me. Favorite coaster at the park.
Lightning Rod, Dollywood
Lightning Rod is currently the only other RMC in my credit count, and I do honestly prefer it to Twisted Timbers.
It was my first RMC so I might be slightly biased, but holy cow from the launch to the INSANE banking this thing felt like we went 100% from the time we launched to the time we pulled into the breaks. I would have ridden this all DAY if I had had the chance.
Big Bad Wolf, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Big Bad Wolf was an Arrow Dynamics suspended coaster that opened in 1984 and had a 25 year run at the park.
This was my first fullsize coaster ever, I rode it with my dad after he spent ages talking me into it and I'm very glad he did. It remains as the most unique coaster experience ever, and while its not my favorite coaster to ride. Its top coaster in my heart.
I'll be sad this coaster is gone until the day I die.
Verbolten, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
That's not to say its successor doesn't completely live up to the Big Bad Wolf though. Oh my god this ride is so good.
I can't talk about what goes on inside that indoor section, you shouldn't spoil yourself if you haven't experienced it. What I can mention is the identical drop after the second launch that dives over the river just like Big Bad Wolf did. And that's not the only reference the ride makes to it's predecessor. From top to bottom this is a fantastic ride that you simply HAVE to experience for yourself.
Griffin, Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Ride this coaster earlier in your trip !! I used to ride Griffin last in the day and it was just okay. Riding it second right after Loch Ness? TRANCENDANT.
You get the best view of the park from the turnaround before the dive so don't close your eyes! I also definetly reccommend the front row, its the best feeling ever being in the front row of the train as it dangles you over the edge of its drop.
Pantheon opened earlier this year and I spent months trying to convince my friends to brave the chilly Virginia spring so we could go ride it.
I ended up not being able to ride this coaster until June but it was WELL worth the wait. I can't put into words how much I love this ride.
Front seat or NOTHING this is honest to god THE ride that makes the extra wait time for the front WORTH IT.